We are currently accepting applications for creative writing mentor, music mentor, and visual arts mentor until March 20, 2021! We would be absolutely honored to hear from you and see your interest in working with the CAC.
Unfortunately, we aren’t able to pay our mentors – so we invite you to join our small family of writers, artists, and musicians who are all doing this as a labor of love.
You can see the nitty-gritty below, but if you love the way that the arts intersect, interweave, and intertwine, you can rest assured that we’ll be incredibly excited to see your mentor application in our inbox.
• We are looking for experienced and creative individuals who have a passion for helping the growth of others. No past experience is necessary.
• Mentors will be working directly with a group of inspired and bright young artists in their field by providing feedback for their pieces on a weekly basis.
• We hope to create an open, accepting space for young artists to collaborate and explore, and mentors are a vital part of this process.
We recognize that inclusivity and diversity is paramount to having spaces of inclusion and freedom to create, so we specifically welcome LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC creators to join on as mentors.
• As of now, all mentor positions are volunteer-based in order to keep the program free while also providing monetary stipends for fellows. We are so grateful to our mentors for donating their time over the summer.
• The program is highly flexible. The time commitment ranges from 1-3 hours per every 2 weeks, and the fellowship takes place completely online. Although mentors should be available for online communication in the 8-week summer time period [exact dates to be determined], mentors may provide feedback for fellows’ works on their own time.
• At the end of every 2 weeks, fellows will select a mentor from the roster of mentors based on work samples and request formal feedback. A maximum of 2 students can sign up for feedback from one mentor each week. Mentors then respond with formal written feedback by the end of the week.
• Mentors are not responsible for creating curriculum.
• Mentors also have the option of collaborating with mentors from other disciplines.
Is a mentor’s only responsibility every 2 weeks providing feedback for 1-2 fellows on their works?
I’m going to be busy during the day because of a commitment; can I still mentor? What’s the time commitment?
Absolutely. We simply ask that mentors write feedback to the fellows by the end of the 2 weeks, so whenever you choose to write that feedback is up to you. We estimate a time commitment of 1-3 hours per week.
Are mentors expected to perform on livestream?
No! You are welcome to if you would like, but mentors already contribute so much of their time that we do not expect them to contribute any more.
I’d like to mentor, but the interdisciplinary aspect is interesting. Can I also participate in a cohort, along with being a mentor?
Yes – in a way! Mentors are encouraged to participate in ‘mentor cohorts,’ which are groups of 3 artists from each discipline that collaborate in the same way fellows do, creating an interdisciplinary project together by the end. We understand that many mentors have their individual commitments over the summer, however, so mentor cohorts are completely optional.
I’d like to mentor, but I don’t have past experience working with students. Is that all right?
Of course! This is a learning experience for all.
• Please email all applications to counterclockarts@gmail.com and title the email subject line "Mentor_Discipline_First & Last Name.” i.e. Mentor_VisualArt_Cy Twombly.
• Please include a cover letter stating why you are interested in mentoring for the Arts Collective.
• In the body of the email, say hi! Tell us about yourself. In addition, we would love to hear why you would love working with young artists. This can include any past experiences, but it can also be about where your current interests lie and what you believe makes you a strong fit and candidate for the CAC.
• We would like to see what your work is like! Please feel free to include a link to an online portfolio of your work. If you do not have an online portfolio, please attach 4-6 samples of your work.
We will get back to you soon (at the latest, before April 2021)! You can direct any questions to counterclockarts@gmail.com.
Thank you for your interest in mentoring for the COUNTERCLOCK Arts Collective! We are so delighted and honored that you took the time to write to us, and we can’t wait to learn more about you.
Your future fellow friends in the CAC
You can learn about our past mentors here.