*season 6 : please note that patchwork will be on hiatus for summer 2025. feel free to check out the application guidelines and program timeline below. we will announce specific dates for applying to our summer 2026 cohort in early 2026. once details become available, they will be listed here, as well as on the official counterclock journal instagram account.
we invite all poets + filmmakers and animators – of ages 16 and above, located anywhere in the world – to apply to patchwork.
we seek individuals who see the motion in language and the beauty of stillness, of fragmented and tacit words, in moving frames.
send to counterclockjournal@gmail.com:
1) why film + poetry? what will you bring to this collective?
2) who are your favorite filmmakers and poets? why?
please also include 2-3 samples of your work in film or animation, for filmmakers. please attach 3-4 samples of your poetry, for writers. please title the email with your discipline + name (ex. Film_Peele_Jordan.)
artist matching will occur in the week following the closing of applications. lecture sessions, pre-screenings, + filming will occur later on. below is a general timeline of how patchwork has historically operated.
mid-march : applications open
mid-april : applications close
early may : application review
mid-may : finalist interviews
june : patchwork begins
early august : patchwork debuts