A Letter to My Younger Self

Liaa Fernandez

August 2017

Dear old me,

I hope you stop searching for home in all the wrong places

because it only makes one lonelier.

I hope you learn to let go of everything faster than you're taking right now

because there is a world that is waiting to greet you with its open arms.

I hope that when you finally meet this world, you do not crumble from the sound of voices

telling you you're not good enough

because you are, and you are worthy of being loved

(but I hope you get that lesson from within, not from somebody else)

I hope you learn to stop forcing interpersonal relationships with people

because it may or may not save you a lot of tears.

I hope you find ways to hold onto friendships, even with 294.3 miles in between. (even just

months after, you wished you had.)

i hope you continue to write. because that's the only time you're allowed to give a damn.