ABCs of Poetry
A reimagining of the poetic alphabet | June 22 - August 21, 2020
Welcome to ABCs of Poetry.
An online workshop where students can learn their “ABCs” – 26 poems, poetic forms, poets, or literary devices, in alphabetical order. This is open towards students of all ages and skill levels, with no applications required. We aim to make this an open space for discussion and workshopping rather than a classroom setting. You can commit as much or as little as you would like – once you register, you will have access to all of our class calls and resources.
Frequently Asked Questions
What exactly is “The ABCs of Poetry”?
It’s a Google classroom and workshop where students can learn their “ABCs”— 26 poems, poetic forms, poets, or literary devices taught in alphabetical order. At the beginning of each week, a COUNTERCLOCK staff member or guest contributor will present three or four letters, each of which will be accompanied by an example poem to be discussed on Tuesdays in a Google Meets session. Each letter will also be accompanied by a writing prompt.
How frequently will sessions take place?
The video meetings will occur once a week for eight weeks, starting Monday, June 22 and ending on Friday, August 21; discussions, weekly share, and other optional reading assignments are given throughout the weeks and can be completed on your own time.
What does the virtual workshop/classroom look like?
Interactive lessons and workshops over a video meeting, and then assignments through Google Classroom!
What age group is this intended for?
Middle and high school students primarily, though anyone is invited to participate.
What skill level is necessary to join?
Any! This is intended as a “back to basics” approach to learning about poetry, so we aren’t expecting anyone to be a literary expert.
Am I obligated to participate for the whole summer?
No! This is not summer school and you aren’t being graded. Likewise, if you become interested in the middle of July and decide you’d like to start, no one will penalize you. The resources for each letter will be available on COUNTERCLOCK’s website to anyone, at any time, even if you can’t make the Zoom meetings.
Who will give feedback on my writing?
The participants in the course will be able to participate in a weekly share where they can post their poems on Google Classroom and comment on other people’s writing. We hope the feedback can operate on an honor system where people try their best to ensure that everyone receives thoughtful feedback.
I’m a teacher and I’d like to spread the word about this to my students. How can I do so?
You can visit our press kit below and use any of our posters or flyers to send to your students.
2020 Materials
The 2020 ABCs of Poetry program finished on August 21, 2020. You can access all of our lesson materials in the following link. We hope you enjoy the materials that we prepared and taught this summer!
Lesson Samples
‘B’ is for ‘Beast Fable’
On ‘b’ day, counterclock editors will moderate a workshop where students will write their own creation myths of fantastical beasts and creatures, intertwining mythology and contemporary urban legend.
students will write their own beast fables and exchange feedback.
‘D’ is for ‘Dickinson’
on ‘d’ day, we will discuss emily dickinson’s poetry together – without having to adhere to traditional classroom rules, all students can analyze freely according to their own instincts and sensations.
students will write poems tracing dickinson’s style.
‘V’ is for ‘Villanelle’
On ‘v’ day, counterclock editors will teach students how to write in the villanelle form used in elizabeth bishop’s “one art” poem.
students will try their hand at writing villanelles, alongside the editors!