OUTBREAK banner.jpg


In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, combined with the growing fear and racism, we wanted to create a space for authors to convey their experiences and document dimensions of this vital point in history. Beyond the pandemic’s immediate and terrifying health effects, our anxiety, isolation, and fear has likely climbed to unprecedented levels; in turn, this global state of shock and worry has led to scapegoating and mistrust between groups instead of collaboration. While we recognize that literature does not offer a direct solution to these struggles, we nonetheless trust in the power of the arts to provide relief, solidarity, and empathy in a time when they are most needed. As a tribute to National Poetry Month, we are asking poets around the world to reflect on their own experiences regarding the pandemic, share moments of strength, and discover meaning in the uncertain.

OUTBREAK will be curated by guest editor Marci Calabretta Cancio-Bello.


Poets can be of any age and located anywhere in the world. We also accept multilingual poetry (please see more details below).

As a tribute to National Poetry Month, we are asking poets around the world to reflect on their own experiences regarding the pandemic, share moments of strength, and discover meaning in the uncertain.

Graphics by Andy Zheng. Artworks by Beljita Gurung, Arts Collective, Visual Art ‘19; Matthew Robertson, Issue 5.

Graphics by Andy Zheng. Artworks by Beljita Gurung, Arts Collective, Visual Art ‘19; Matthew Robertson, Issue 5.



Page limit: Poets can submit a maximum of 4 poems (no more than 8 pages) in 1 submission. There is no minimum word count.

Formatting: Please use Times New Roman, pt. 12, single-spaced. You are welcome to make exceptions for stylistic purposes, but please consider this the standard. 

Unsolicited pieces should be previously unpublished. 

Subject matter: While your work should be a response to the impact of the novel coronavirus, please feel free to take it in any direction you feel appropriate. We want to hear – and highlight – your experience, from the individual, to the family unit, to the city, and beyond, in any style, voice, or form. 

Language: We recognize that COVID-19 is a global pandemic, and we welcome works that combine English with other languages. If you do include other languages, please include translations. We do ask that your work be primarily in English, since our editorial staff is English-speaking.


Please send your work to counterclockjournal@gmail.com with the subject line OUTBREAK_Last Name_First Name. i.e. “OUTBREAK_Pound_Ezra.” 

Poems will be accepted and published on COUNTERCLOCK’s website on a rolling basis.

The window for submissions is April 1 – 30, 2020.